Public Schools and the Pandemic

The kids’ schools finally announced that all teachers and staff will be vaccinated, because the governor is forcing them to be.

This is a huge relief, but also, I’m just so deeply angry that it took them this long and being strong-armed to take this basic step.

The schools could have been leaders. They could have set an example. They could have stood for science and community health. Instead, they dragged their feet, setting a bad example, and keeping everyone wondering and worrying for months on end.

My anger over the school system’s choice to wait until the last possible minute to be forced into doing the right thing won’t be easy to let go.

People have to trust their kids with a system that couldn’t be bothered to make the right choice on their own.

That’s not okay.

The entire point of public schools is EDUCATION, but instead of educating people about the safety and necessity of the covid vaccine they sat on their hands and did nothing.

And I know the school system here is leagues ahead of so many others… but it’s still not good enough.

The science behind what works and is necessary to combat this ongoing pandemic is clear — masking and vaccination.

Any school district that fails to stand up for those principles isn’t just endangering children, it’s failing at its most basic purpose — TO EDUCATE.

If public schools can’t be bothered to educate the public on something as basic & timely as the necessity of masks & vaccines, then they’re barely more than glorified daycare centers.

Providing education needs to mean more than storing kids and making them fill out worksheets.

I take a pretty dim view on humanity, which is part of why I write about animals mostly. But I’m still just sickeningly disappointed in everything I’ve been seeing about how schools across the country are handling masks and vaccination.

This was an opportunity to teach.

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