Between Projects

I finished the Tri-Galactic Trek story I was working on last night! So, that means I can release COLLIE COMMANDER next month, but it also means I have to decide what I’m working on next…

I have several projects already underway that I could go back to, but I might want to do NaNoWriMo, which would mean sticking to shorter projects for the next two weeks. And I do have a lot of short stories I could be working on… Continue reading “Between Projects”

Darkbusters in the Middle

I had a dream that Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire was a video game I was playing, but the characters in it were the family from Malcolm in the Middle. And there was this time loop where you had to go back in time to beat the big ghost boss, and the big reveal was that you learned Francis had been Hal all along but at a different age, because you needed him at three ages — Hal, Francis, and the baby — fighting together to beat the big ghost boss. And when we won, there were lots of good Ghostbuster toys for everyone. Continue reading “Darkbusters in the Middle”