Stray Thoughts While Watching Random TNG

Time to rewatch Star Trek: TNG’s “Pen Pals,” because the seven-year-old is more interested in episodes that have kids in them.

Next up, “The Bonding,” which the thirteen-year-old says reminds them of the Doctor Who episode with the Solitract.
Though… fewer frogs on chairs. So that’s unfortunate.
Very beautiful calico cat though.

And now we’re watching “Booby Trap,” just because it was up next, and I’ve always loved Dr. Leah Brahms.

Oh my goodness, the Enterprise crew is now debating the wisdom of turning over the navigation of the ship to the computer…
Um… the computer doesn’t usually steer the ship? I guess in the 80s this debate seemed reasonable. It hasn’t aged well.

And the final moral of TNG’s “Booby Trap”?
Sometimes you just have to turn the computer off, because a human is a better, more precise pilot than a gigantic starship computer.

Now for “Galaxy’s Child,” because the kids should see the fallout from LaForge’s liberties and emotional assumptions regarding the Leah Brahms hologram.
Also, I love the big space critters and found them highly influential.

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