It troubles me that at some level I can’t really be sure of which project I’m doing for NaNoWriMo until midnight on Halloween when I see which one I actually start… ‘Cause no matter how many times I make up my mind, there’s no one in the world — myself included, apparently — who can stop me from changing my mind.
Category: Blog
Mornings Aren’t Worth It
Sure, sure, getting up early in the morning SEEEMS like it makes the day longer and gives you more time to do things… right up until you crash on the couch as soon as the kids are in bed and sleep through the whole phase of the evening where you usually get things done.
Wanted: Elephant Chef
Instead of washing dishes, we’ve decided to hire an elephant as a full-time chef. If you know any elephants looking for a job, with cooking experience, please refer them our way.
Progress Measured Through Feminism in TV Shows
I’m watching early Murphy Brown & it’s really enlightening seeing what passed for feminism back then — Murphy is isolated from all other women except one, set up as a foil; sniped at by the men; repeatedly pushed to be more feminine & motherly; and then there’s Eldon… Continue reading “Progress Measured Through Feminism in TV Shows”
Terribly Important Terrible Game
New game to play! Ask every person you meet, “Are you pro-choice?”
–If they say, “yes,” you both win! Yay!
–If they say, “no,” make sure they feel extremely judged. Sorry, there’s no win-state w/people who have such AWFUL beliefs & you may as well know right away.
A Masterful Use of Spoons
The first Jodie Whittaker episode of Doctor Who is masterful. I loved the Doctor building a new sonic screwdriver from melted spoons, and I can’t wait for the second episode next Sunday!
The Challenge of Interacting with One’s Own Brain
Mom: Here’s your tea
My brain: tea schmea
Me: Why brain?
My brain: brain schmain
Me: touché
Tuck Everlasting in Every Form
Inspired by recently watching the movie from ’02 and then listening to the Broadway soundtrack, I reread Tuck Everlasting today. And all three versions of that story — original book, movie, and musical — are solid.
Backwards Plans
I made a very careful plan for this afternoon — “I SHOULD edit my story, but instead I’ll probably play World of Warcraft.” Several hours later, somehow I’ve edited my story and played zero Warcraft…
Very Good Dream
I dreamed that the Tenth Doctor was ecstatic to meet me, because I’m his favorite author. So, thank you for that, sleeping brain.