I’m so furious about my kids’ school policies about “attendance.”
Both of my kids are bright, have no trouble keeping up at school, and are doing distance learning. Yet, because we took them on a week-long trip where they didn’t log into their classes, the school’s in an uproar.
We tried warning the school that we’d be traveling to a family member’s wedding, but we were told family trips weren’t a valid excuse for an absence.
So, now the school is sending us scare letters about all the consequences we’ll face if our kids don’t start attending better!
This is a stupid, terrible, awful policy.
My kids learned way more from spending a week traveling, going to an aquarium, snorkeling, visiting more of the world, and seeing relatives they hadn’t seen in years than they would have by staying home.
And even if that weren’t true? Even if my kids had learned NOTHING during the week of school they missed?
They both have no trouble catching up.
I’m just really mad this is where the world is at. It’s such a waste of time and energy.
It has nothing to do with actually teaching.
My keyboard died very suddenly, and I’m stuck with an old backup keyboard until the replacement comes. And even though it’s just two days in between, it makes me really grumpy using a weird old keyboard that feels wrong.
Well, we discovered mold on the wall hidden behind my bed… so, given that I’m specifically allergic to mold, that explains the low level head cold I’ve had for weeks which magically lifted when we were out of town.
Should be easy to clean off… possibly harder to keep away.
Also, having a persistent low level head cold caused by an allergic reaction to hidden mold while dealing with Covid exposures is a recipe for absolute off the charts paranoia and anxiety.
Between broken keyboards, officious schools, and mold outbreaks in my house, I am not having the best day.
TECHNICALLY, the discovery of mold behind my bed is actually good news, because it means my endless cold is actually curable now. But it still makes me grumpy. Mold is my personal nemesis.