Finishing Trilogies and Losing Dogs

Full draft at 81,023.

That’s the second time in my life that I’ve finished writing a trilogy.

‪The last time I finished writing a trilogy was nearly four years ago, and the trilogy took longer to write but was shorter.‬

‪Otters In Space trilogy: 199k in 11 years‬

‪Entangled Universe trilogy: 267k in 4 years ‬

‪Finishing writing a trilogy and finding out your dog’s kidney is failing on the same day makes for an emotionally complicated experience.‬

‪My dog’s kidney is failing.‬

‪The main character’s best friend in the trilogy I just finished is based on him. It feels like he waited until I wrote the character’s final scene to start saying goodbye.‬

‪My heart is so tired.‬

‪Eleven years of a big orange Sheltie is not enough.‬

‪People say that if you want to buy love, get a dog.‬

‪But dogs choose who to love. You can be good to them, take care of them, spend time with them, and still have them only put up with you.‬

‪I generally get along well with dogs. If I meet a random dog, they’ll like me. But they rarely love me, because I can be kind of shouty.‬

‪But my dog Quinn loves it when I shout. He comes running, and he’s so proud that his person is the best at barking. So strong. So loud.‬

‪Chances are that since we have two dogs who’ve been teetering on the edge of death this year that in the next year or so we’ll find ourselves starting over with a puppy.‬

‪But I can’t stand the idea of a puppy. I want my dog who loves me best.‬

‪Because he’s the best.‬

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