Looking for an End

I’ve been trying to settle on a way to end this trilogy that feels really satisfying, and the thing is, there are so many choices. Sure, there are certain points I have to hit for the reader to feel satisfied, but as long as I hit them, I could do it a lot of different ways.

And I think I’ve finally settled on adapting an image that occurred to me way back during college—just a really specific image that popped into my head one day. It won’t mean anything special to anyone else, but it’ll fit. And I think, for me, it will make it feel very complete.

If I bring this epic story that’s traveled to so many places to an end on an image that’s lodged deep inside my head, but I’ve never known quite what to do with… then it’ll feel like it’s come full circle to a resting place deep in my brain.

And if the end point feels like such a solid resting place to me, then I think my feeling of completeness in the story will shine through in the writing, and I’ll be able to give that feeling to the reader, even if they don’t know why the particular image feels so appropriate.

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