Re-watching Short Circuit

Let Robot Weekend commence with the watching of Short Circuit!

We’ve been meaning to do a Robot Weekend for a long time, but always get stuck on the question of what thematic food would be… Finally, we mostly just gave up on that question and are starting with some chex mix.

Short Circuit is always kind of weird to me, because I grew up watching Short Circuit 2 (I love the part where they communicate via 60s pop song tunes typed into a phone), but never actually saw the first one until late in college.

80s movies are elevated so much by the 80s music in them.

We were going to have pancakes for dinner between the two Short Circuit movies, but no one was hungry yet… so we’re launching right into #2!

It’s been a long time since I’ve watched this movie, but I feel like it’s actually a much more interesting movie than the first one.

The way Short Circuit 2 plays with how easy Johnny 5 is to manipulate due to his naivety feels really relevant still with all the prompt injection attacks going around lately.

I find Johnny 5’s excitement at the sight of a big book store very relatable. (Short Circuit 2)

I’m holding firm that Short Circuit 2 is a more interesting movie than Short Circuit 1 — both in terms of ethical explorations about the nature of sentient robots and also fun capers.

Also, it just simply has fewer totally unnecessary, painfully sexist one-liners tossed in.

Drinking hot chocolate, eating Turkish delight, and thinking about selling out my family to the white witch.

Well… the first two, at least.

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