Art Freed from Artists

As someone who’s lost friends over and over again and been hurt by everyone from complete strangers to the people I thought I was closest to…

The idea of being able to summon art for myself to enjoy that’s not dependent on the whims of an actual person behind it… is restful.

I mean, wouldn’t it be nicer if the super popular wizard boy story wasn’t attached to a horrible anti-trans activist? Wouldn’t it be better if Redwall hadn’t been attached to someone who actually meant the most racist interpretation of his work?

Sometimes… people are too much.

Sometimes art is the only refuge from a world that hurts all the time.

But then the people who hurt you… follow you into the art.

You listen to the soaring harmonies of the Beach Boys… but they come with the misogyny of a bunch of a young men in the 1960s boiled right in.

I have a hard time listening to most music, because… it’s listening to a person’s heart and soul, and there aren’t very many people I like enough to let them be that close to me.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t need music.

Art is more important than artists.

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