“I know everything, and I just keep it as a secret” — the five-year-old, looking very smug
Author: marylowd
The Real, Important Questions
There’s nothing quite like the very beginning of #NaNoWriMo to make you think, “Wait? Why am I writer again? Why am I doing this to myself? I don’t actually HAVE to write a novel…”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, Issue #9, May 2014

A shadow of antlers stretched ominously over the snow. Darkfoot crouched behind a fallen log. White flakes tickled his muzzle, but he dared not shake them off. With its long legs, the moose could easily outrun a young wolf like him. Or kick him in the skull.
If Darkfoot downed a moose alone, though, then his pack would never mock him again. Continue reading “Weremoose”
13th Doctor Costume
I’m wearing my 13th Doctor costume today, and it makes me feel like a super hero.
One fun thing about the 13th Doctor costume is that people either LOVE it or have no idea you’re even wearing a costume.
NaNo Plans Involving DS9…
I think I finally have really committed to a plan for #NaNoWriMo — Daniel has made a thematically relevant playlist for it, and I’ve ordered a tiny model of Deep Space Nine to sit by my computer and be my muse. It’s going to be awesome.
The Perfect Word
That feeling when you come up with the perfect word… only to realize you’ve already used it twice in the sentence you’re writing already, and maybe it’s time to go to sleep.
Uncollapsed Wave State
It troubles me that at some level I can’t really be sure of which project I’m doing for NaNoWriMo until midnight on Halloween when I see which one I actually start… ‘Cause no matter how many times I make up my mind, there’s no one in the world — myself included, apparently — who can stop me from changing my mind.
Mornings Aren’t Worth It
Sure, sure, getting up early in the morning SEEEMS like it makes the day longer and gives you more time to do things… right up until you crash on the couch as soon as the kids are in bed and sleep through the whole phase of the evening where you usually get things done.
Wanted: Elephant Chef
Instead of washing dishes, we’ve decided to hire an elephant as a full-time chef. If you know any elephants looking for a job, with cooking experience, please refer them our way.
Progress Measured Through Feminism in TV Shows
I’m watching early Murphy Brown & it’s really enlightening seeing what passed for feminism back then — Murphy is isolated from all other women except one, set up as a foil; sniped at by the men; repeatedly pushed to be more feminine & motherly; and then there’s Eldon… Continue reading “Progress Measured Through Feminism in TV Shows”