Two feet from the stage at a They Might Be Giants concert is probably the most entertaining place I’ve received a story rejection.
Author: marylowd
Vaccines, Clever Dogs, and Writing
Vaccinations are good. People need to get them. If you don’t agree, then you’re an idiot, and I wish you were only going to harm yourself. But vaccines work partly due to herd immunity, so unfortunately idiots without vaccines hurt others too. GET VACCINATED.
When the doorbell rings, three dogs run to the door. Continue reading “Vaccines, Clever Dogs, and Writing”
Sense8, Ragnarok, and Duke Nukem
The first season of Sense8 is kind of amazing.
The opening scene of Thor: Ragnarok is basically just a super high res Diablo cut scene. Continue reading “Sense8, Ragnarok, and Duke Nukem”
Otters In Space III: Octopus Ascending (Chapter 1)

by Mary E. Lowd
This is an excerpt from Otters In Space III: Octopus Ascending, a novel published by FurPlanet, June 2017
The pale glow of Jupiter lit the moon’s watery surface. Europa’s recently melted ocean reflected the gas giant’s ruddy face back at itself, broken by ripples where Brighton’s Destiny disturbed the water on takeoff.
The dark metal V-shape of the two-man spaceship skimmed over the ocean before veering upward in a sharp climb out of Europa’s gravity well. Spacesuit clad paws eased off on the throttle, and Brighton’s Destiny leveled off into a smooth arc toward Jupiter. Continue reading “Otters In Space III: Octopus Ascending (Chapter 1)”
Otters In Space Musical
I’ve been trying to write a musical of Otters In Space for the last decade. The first song is “Vote for a Cat,” and the only part of it that I know for sure is that it ends with the words, “Vote for a cat!”
That’s is. That’s what I’ve got. Continue reading “Otters In Space Musical”
Grim-Sweet, Eclipse Luck, and Slush Snacks
Writing a one page summary of a 100k-word novel is brutal.
It’s good luck to submit a manuscript during a total lunar eclipse, right? Continue reading “Grim-Sweet, Eclipse Luck, and Slush Snacks”
Submissions and Eclipses
1 – edit all night long until the lunar eclipse
2 – go outside and look at the clouds over the moon
3 – submit my novel to Apex Publications
4 – get very little sleep and be tired all day tomorrow
Unavoidable Part of the Process
The coffee shop I was writing at closed before I finished writing my story. So I went to a second coffee shop, and I had a second chai. And now I feel very caffeinated. But I finished the story!
I’ve been getting a lot of writing done lately, and I want to be clear about something — staring at my computer & feeling like I have absolutely no idea how I’ll manage to write even a single word is still a big part of my process.
Aesthetic Mismatch
Movies I watched tonight — “Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping” and “Pan’s Labyrinth.” They, uh, clashed rather badly.
Marching with Kids
As we marched, suddenly, the ten-year-old called out, “WHAT DO WE WANT?”
And all around, the crowd grew quiet. You could practically hear everyone thinking, “What? What do we want? Which thing are we supposed to call back??!!”
Finally a woman called out, “JUSTICE!” And the chant went on.