Sometimes I think about whether I would have gone by my initials — M.E. Lowd — if I’d understood 13 years ago just how deep the sexism is.
Every. Time. The city gets ice, we lose power. Trim back the goddamned trees during the summer, Eugene.
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
Sometimes I think about whether I would have gone by my initials — M.E. Lowd — if I’d understood 13 years ago just how deep the sexism is.
Every. Time. The city gets ice, we lose power. Trim back the goddamned trees during the summer, Eugene.
The ice demons are rampaging.
Maybe if I hold really still the ice demons won’t notice me, and the fire sprites will continue to warm my house. Continue reading “Ice and Fire”
The three-year-old has been singing “Everything is Awesome” from the LEGO movie all day.. but the way he pronounces it sounds more like “Everything is AWFUL!”
The three-year-old, proudly displaying his slap-wrap ruler/bracelet: “This can measure! I’m a measure-guy!”
Time for a new religion — the Church of the Holy Unborn believes abortion is the highest sacrament & only the mother can tell if her baby has been called for it
Excellent. In addition to ants sneaking through the window, a spider set up camp under the sink to catch them. A whole ecosystem. Yay.
The lesson my nine-year-old took from The Three Little Pigs: “Boy, I’m glad we don’t have to build our own houses. That would be a lot of work.”
Secondary lesson: “Never trust walking or talking bushes.”
After thirteen years and more than a thousand rejections, my story rejections have graduated from their manila envelopes to a drawer in a filing cabinet:
The three-year-old to the nine-year-old: “It’s time to dress up! You will be the otter, and I will be the dancing guy!”
The three-year-old has dressed up as Peter-Man — apparently a cross between Spider Man and Peter Pan. Continue reading “Tidbits of Children Being Adorable”
It’s really hard to accomplish anything when all these dogs keep shoving their faces between me and my computer, mashing the keyboard and nosing the screen.
Sexism and racism seemed like such wild, out there, sci-fi ideas when I was a sheltered little kid watching Star Trek.
Wandering through a hardware store, having everything mansplained to me by my three-year-old who knows nothing.