by Mary E. Lowd
An excerpt from Voyage of the Wanderlust. If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter.

Once again, the vacuum bomb sailed away from The Wanderlust, looking like nothing more than a thin streak of light on the viewscreen. A shooting star. But this time, Captain Carroway didn’t try to wish on it. She wondered how many of the members of her crew did.
The bridge of The Wanderlust was much more crowded this time. Everyone aboard had gathered together to watch. And now, not only were there two crews melded together aboard The Wanderlust — Union and Anti-Ra — but also three newcomers, two guests from the Waykeeper’s back and the strange amalgamation of circuitry and mycelia who now insisted they were a doctor. Continue reading “Voyage of the Wanderlust – Chapter 30: The Voyage Begins”