For the Love and Accessibility

I would rather live in a world where everyone has the opportunity to express their heart and soul through art and has easy access to the kind of art that will most comfort and inspire them, even if the flip side is that no one is ever paid for creating art.

We live in a time when people fight tooth and nail to claim creating art is a JOB and a CAREER and needs to be PAID, and the idea that art is something people do just for the love of it… is anathema to that.

But art has always been something people do just for the love of it.

People dance, sing, paint, and write for the sheer love of doing so. They always have and always will.

When it comes down to it, a world with a billion amateurs will always be a better future than a world where the few best are enshrined and adored while others are locked out.

A lot of people want to pretend AI art tools aren’t about accessibility, but THEY ARE.

Just because you don’t have fine motor control over your hands or time required to carefully practice and develop skills doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to express the images in your mind.

Music programs make it possible to mimic the sound of an entire orchestra using just a single computer program. Cameras make it possible capture things you see and make them stay.

AI art programs let you translate words into images.

This is a tool and an accessibility issue.

It makes no more sense to say that someone shouldn’t be allowed to use a tool that lets them summon visual images in less time than it makes to claim that someone shouldn’t be allowed to make lush full musical tracks if they don’t actually book a real orchestra to play it.

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