I woke up shortly before the inauguration and realized I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, knowing I was missing the swearing in of the first woman Vice President. So I watched on my phone, curled up in bed.
Now I’ve been awake since hours earlier than I usually get up…
If you didn’t vote for Clinton in 2016, but you’re relieved to have her unqualified loser of an opponent out of office today, think HARD about what was wrong inside you that caused you not to vote for the better option back then.
And figure out how to do better from here on out.
I like that I can listen to “Fight Song” again. I think I only heard it once during the last four years… some kids sang it at one of my kid’s piano recitals, so I didn’t have a way out. All I could think was “too soon” while choking back sobs.
Progress is not going to come as fast and easily as I want it to, and that is going to be frustrating. For example, I’d like to see all student debt cancelled and at least temporary UBI instituted TODAY.
It’s important to remember: four years ago, when the wretched loser man was sworn in, people took to the streets in huge crowds to protest.
Today, a vaguely okay man and the first woman VP were sworn in, and the protesters are few, pitiful, and mostly just whining on forums.
Think about that contrast: the far right screams loudly, but they’re weak and small compared to the power of all of the people who will stand up in support of morality, decency, and kindness.
The good people may not stand up as fast as they should… but they stood up.
More people stood up for kindness, decency, and morality than for wanton cruelty.
Don’t forget that while the progress we see may be less than we want, progress is still progress.
Take the wins. Celebrate. And then push for more. Always more. Because we can do so much better.
It’s really important to remember that what gets called “extremism” on the left in the United States is actually pretty damned moderate.
Whereas extremism on the US right is outright fascism, terrorism, and treason.
Sometimes watching big events unfold through reactions on twitter makes me feel like a dog staring out a window, diligently prepared to ineffectually bark at any squirrels who dare walk by.
It’s gonna be a long time before anyone in the US can call themselves a conservative or republican without me hearing, “I’d sell out disabled, LGBTQ, BIPOC, and women’s rights; destroy the environment & democracy; & collaborate w/ fascists if it MIGHT save me some money.”