Most Published Author in Daily Science Fiction

Does anyone know of any authors who’ve had more than 36 stories published in Daily Science Fiction?

I’m trying to figure out if I’m the author who’s had the most stories published there, because it’s looking to me like there’s a good chance I am, and that seems worth knowing. Continue reading “Most Published Author in Daily Science Fiction”

The Ever-Shifting Sands of Being an Author

It’s really hard with a free-form career like fiction writing—that also keeps changing under your feet—to know what to focus on to keep moving upward, or at least give yourself the best chance of moving upward. There are so many different paths and all of them are uncertain. And there are limited role models to follow, given how much the field keeps changing.

Burnout vs. Falling Apart

I am so burned out. I’ve been writing at a breakneck pace for more than a year, and I’ve had the kids home, bouncing off the walls, dealing with loss and fear caused by the pandemic for nine months.

But I keep dragging myself forward on the novel I’m writing.

I keep wondering if I should take a break. Surely, after writing three novels in fourteen months, I’ve earned a break?

And yet, writing is what holds me together. Believing the books I write matter is what pulls me forward. And I need to be held together and pulled forward.

Universal Basic Income is Tenure for Writers

Apparently, today is the day that I can’t take it anymore and start ranting wildly about Universal Basic Income.

Years ago I was asked while on a panel at a convention, how can a writer best go about making money with their book?

My answer remains the same:  put your book aside, go into politics, and fight for Universal Basic Income.

Writing is a terrible, awful, horrible way to make money, and it always will be. Continue reading “Universal Basic Income is Tenure for Writers”