Apparently, when I get stuck — as in, make negligible progress for most of a year stuck — on “Otters In Space,” my solution ends up being to stick the main character in a box. Maybe when I’m writing OiS3 and get stuck around the 30,000 word mark, instead of banging my head uselessly against it for a year, I can skip straight to having Kipper hide in a box and keep writing.
Where No Dog Has Gone Before…
I’m writing a SPACE HOUNDS! / Dog Fort crossover comic.
Creating Furry Art at a Furry Con
I love furry cons. Where else will a big black dragon come up to you, take your hand, and pantomime how happy he is to meet you?
Just watching fursuits walk by and writing the next SPACE HOUNDS! at FurCon.
Transformation via Warcraft
I’m a werewolf wearing a long white dress and black top hat.
Research that Can’t Wait
I tried to go to bed but had to get up and read the wiki page on pandas instead.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the child started crying. I asked what was wrong, and she said, “I don’t like salad.” (There was not a salad in sight.)
So Much Writing
I’ve written 20,000 words of “Learning to Live and Love In a Dog’s World.” Yay for NaNoWriMo!
Leveling Up?
I seem to be writing two novels simultaneously. And seriously considering starting a third…
Novel Prep Looks Like…
…researching dog and cat breeds for Nanowrimo.
Context is Left as an Exercise for the Reader
It is standard practice to approximate dogs as spheres.