by Mary E. Lowd
An excerpt from Voyage of the Wanderlust. If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.
Captain Carroway took her time in the multi-purpose room, synthesizing herself a cup of coffee. Well, as much as one can take one’s time with doing that. She punched in the order for coffee, then altered the order to make the coffee be hazelnut flavored, then changed it back to normal. As she kept changing the order, before actually synthesizing the drink, Captain Carroway found herself wondering about whether The Wanderlust would need to start conserving energy or supplies during the coming voyage. Could synthesizers run out of the types of raw matter they needed for synthesizing useful things like coffee? If they could, would it be possible to find replacements on planets or asteroids they passed? Continue reading “Voyage of the Wanderlust – Chapter 17: Turtles All the Way Down”