by Mary E. Lowd
The song that once seemed dull
Sparkles now
Pulling you to sea Continue reading “What Good is the Dawn”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
by Mary E. Lowd
The song that once seemed dull
Sparkles now
Pulling you to sea Continue reading “What Good is the Dawn”
by Mary E. Lowd
The past calls to you
With a song you almost remember
A song you sang along with when
You were small Continue reading “Too Much Emotion and a Hole in my Heart”
by Mary E. Lowd
A sentimental past
That never existed
Just ghosts born
From remembrance Continue reading “Another Wave at the Pier”
by Mary E. Lowd
When everything connects to everything else
In an ever twisting
Ever winding
Ever tangled Continue reading “The Impossibility of Being Understood”
by Mary E. Lowd
There isn’t room for echoes
Of hateful words too long remembered
Or lamentations
Of relationships long dead Continue reading “Canine Clowns”
by Mary E. Lowd
Crystal shivers with light
Stars quiver so bright
She catches one Continue reading “Wishing”
by Mary E. Lowd
A star dancing under starlight
And a moon whirling
In front of the moon
When the universe turns
All topsy-turvy Continue reading “Celestial Dance”
by Mary E. Lowd
She asked you a question
You missed it
Insisting she listen
To the music playing
Over the cafe’s speaker system Continue reading “Distracted by a Song”
by Mary E. Lowd
Escape to a dreamscape
Run away from the ruins
Of a life
Misunderstood Continue reading “Portal Away”
by Mary E. Lowd
When the raindrops turn to teardrops
And it’s all you can do
Just to survive Continue reading “Rain Cut Feline”