Thoughts on “The Dreaming Arm” and Animorphs #4

If I didn’t know myself that I wrote “The Dreaming Arm” several months before reading Animorphs #4, I would’ve sworn it had been inspired by them finding Ax under the ocean.

Anyway, check out my all new, just released today flash fiction, The Dreaming Arm! Continue reading “Thoughts on “The Dreaming Arm” and Animorphs #4″

Saving the Hearthstone for Emergencies

I have an irrational aversion to using my hearthstone in Warcraft.

See, I remember — vividly — when the cooldown was a whole hour, and there was a decent chance of getting stuck behind a tree in some night elf zone where literally the only way out was to hearth.

So, if you’d just used your hearthstone, and you got stuck behind a tree, that was it. Nothing to do but wait an hour. Literally no other solution. Continue reading “Saving the Hearthstone for Emergencies”