Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 24: Earth

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.

“Political goons, Trudith could handle. A half dozen rambunctious Labrador puppies? No, thanks.”

With Kipper gone, Trudith and Petra found themselves alone with each other again.  Although it had only been a time-delayed ghost of her, Kipper’s presence had filled the space between Trudith and Petra, bridging the gap between them.  The emptiness she left behind was like a giant chasm.  The tenuous bridge she had provided, crumbled away, leaving them with a gulf of silence. Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 24: Earth”