The Bengal cats refuse to believe that my keyboard is not for walking on. They are adamant. They are stubborn. They are plural. They are winning this fight.
Me: 52 hours until new puppy!!!
My brain: what if… getting a puppy doesn’t magically fix everything and make us perfectly happy?
Me: shhhh
Brain: what will we count down to then?
Me: we’ll find something
Brain: but… puppies are so much work…
I try to keep a cat wand by my desk so if the Bengals bug me while writing, I can tuck it under my knee & bounce my leg to make the feather at the end dance.
But when I leave my desk, the Bengals steal the wands, drag them off, & hide them. So, there’s rarely one when I need it.
We live in a society that doesn’t like to accept the idea of a No-Win Scenario. One of the central character ideas behind Captain Kirk is that when faced with the Kobayashi Maru, Starfleet Academy’s version of a No-Win Scenario, he found a way around it. He found a way to win.
When you find yourself trapped in a No-Win Scenario, it’s okay to find the best compromise and accept it. We can’t all be Captain Kirk, privileged enough to rewrite the rules.
Sometimes, simply surviving through a hard situation is the closest you can get to winning.
I really enjoy the “Roger, Roger” droids in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
I’ve been so tired all day today, and as best as I can figure, my body is just trying to hibernate in preparation for how exhausting the new puppy will be in, oh, 42 hours now.