Visiting the Oregon Air and Space Museum…

The kids think the Oregon Air and Space Museum — a small, eclectic airplane hangar filled with planes and mannequins — would be a good setting for a Doctor Who episode.‬

‪The four-year-old likes the planes but is creeped out by the mannequins. The ten-year-old is now completely lost in recounting episodes of Doctor Who.‬

‪Brilliant observation from the ten-year-old: “The thing about C3P0 and R2D2 is they look a lot like the main Doctor Who villains.”‬

‪I bought a set of little planes for $10, let each kid pick one, and kept the extras for myself. Made kids happy. Got toys. Win win.‬

‪The final David Tennant episode of Doctor Who is still totally and completely, brutally heartbreaking.‬

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