I’ve been listening to a song by The Beth’s called “Expert in a Dying Field” for months and only now realized that it’s really just a breakup song underneath a clever metaphor… as opposed to, you know, genuinely, literally being about your career becoming obsolete.
“One district after another elected Alistair Brighton president — beating out both the competition and his own running mate.”
Through the glass of the door, Kipper saw the pointy ears and orange fur of her brother and sister. They faced the other way, seated at a table and watching a television screen on the wall. The screen showed a pug dog gesticulating wildly. Trudith and Lucky also sat at the table, but they seemed preoccupied with something Kipper couldn’t see.
I love the Buckaroo Banzia theme music. It’s on my Otters In Space playlist. And also, many years ago as a kid at a Star Trek convention, my sister and I got a band to play it for us live by shouting it out as a request. Good memory.
I’ve been feeling kind of lost and directionless lately… and then a friend said to me tonight with a truly bizarre level of matter-of-fact certainty that I should write twelve Otters In Space books. That twelve is the correct length for that series… Continue reading “The Future of Otters In Space”
After an awesome but long day of selling books and talking furry fiction at Furvana, I’m having cherry garcia ice cream, blackberry kombucha, am surrounded by stuffed animals, and am finally starting the Queen Charlotte Bridgerton spin-off. That’s a good day!
We’d like to announce a limited Kindle release of Mary E. Lowd’s books, Nexus Nine and The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats. Both of these books are primarily published by FurPlanet, but since the Kindle market was going unserved, we’ve filled in. Both books are already available in the Kindle store right now.
Each book has a shiny new cover for this limited release, but if you want physical copies, you’ll still need to get the FurPlanet editions.
We may have a few more releases like this coming up, so keep an eye out for them! Also, don’t forget that Hell Moon (Xeno-Spectre, Book 1) is coming out this Friday (9/8/23)!
An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly. If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.
“…she was a cat with connections on many worlds.”
The Jolly Barracuda docked at Deep Sky Anchor for the first time since Kipper had joined the crew. She watched the gray metal habitat rings of the rotating station approach on the main bridge’s viewscreen, and she remembered all the times she’d watched space fly by through one of the porthole windows elsewhere on the ship instead. She was sure that those windows were all crowded full of the pug faces of miserably wet Persians now, but she wasn’t among them. She was on the bridge, manning one of the stations. She had come a long way. Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 32: Earth”
The yellow rosebud holds a secret in its petals,
Like a promise,
On the tip of the tongue,
Waiting for the moment when trust blooms, Continue reading “The Yellow Rosebud”