Making Mr. Right, Electric Dreams, and DARYL

Robot Weekend continues today with plans to watch more silly 80s robot movies — “Making Mr. Right” and “Electric Dreams”.

Also, here’s a cute little robot story on Deep Sky Anchor (originally published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact), newly illustrated by Midjourney. Continue reading “Making Mr. Right, Electric Dreams, and DARYL”

If I’d Encountered Animorphs Earlier…

I really wonder what I would have thought of the Animorphs books if I’d read them when came out, or better yet, a few years earlier even. Would I have loved them? I was a pretty opinionated, judgmental kid… but I think I might have loved them so much it would have changed me.

Would I have written different books myself if I’d read Animorphs when I was a kid? I think that’s really possible, and it makes me wonder what those books would’ve been. Continue reading “If I’d Encountered Animorphs Earlier…”

How I Met Your Mother is Robin’s Story

Unpopular opinion (& spoiler?): the end of How I Met Your Mother is absolutely fantastic. It’s heavily foreshadowed and a really beautiful, valuable lesson — Ted can both deeply treasure his time with the mother and still seek love again, without minimizing either relationship. Continue reading “How I Met Your Mother is Robin’s Story”