Piper and Theresa looks so alike they could perform the mirror scene from Duck Soup.
Theresa supposes that she might consider letting Hazel be her friend. Maybe. Continue reading “In the House of Many Bengals…”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
Piper and Theresa looks so alike they could perform the mirror scene from Duck Soup.
Theresa supposes that she might consider letting Hazel be her friend. Maybe. Continue reading “In the House of Many Bengals…”
I’m watching Prom on Netflix, and…
I’m pretty sure every movie in existence would be improved by Andrew Rannells (known for Book of Mormon) showing up and dancing for a few minutes.
Writing fiction involves a great deal of stubbornly believing your efforts are meaningful in the face of stunning indifference from the world at large.
And that is just so much harder without periodic fur cons where I get to actually see and talk to real life readers in person.
Discussing how easy it is for Daniel to gain money, respect, & followers as a computer scientist compared to how hard it is for fiction writers…
Him: “It’s broken.”
Me: “Yeah, but it’s not broken like a chair in the corner. It’s broken like the leg I have to walk on.” Continue reading “The Voices of Orchids”
Five fluffy orange puppies were born in the city I grew up in last night.
One of them is ours.
We get to meet our puppy in two months. I plan to name that puppy Avery. Continue reading “Tidbits from Waiting for a Puppy”
The first book in my Entangled Universe trilogy — ENTANGLEMENT BOUND — is now available!
—ace protagonist
—rogue AI in a stolen robot body
—hive-minded swarm alien
—happily married lesbians
—all kinds of animal aliens
—living spaceship who loves bunnies! Continue reading “Entanglement Bound Release”
Mrs. America is an exquisitely constructed and totally heartbreaking piece of television.
I would have liked it better if it were set on a fleet of spaceships.
If you don’t play Diablo 3, this won’t mean anything, but I decided to farm treasure goblins for rainbow portals to Whimsydale…
…and it only took two days to find Princess Lilian and get the cosmic wings. Continue reading “Cosmic Wings from Princess Lilian”
We now own three cats who look so much alike that a quick glance is not enough to tell them apart.
I just signed a contract with Daily Science Fiction for them to publish three more of my Crossroads Station stories about Maradia and her robots! Continue reading “Cats, Dogs, and Robot Stories”
Concept: a witch, but the only magic she does involves summoning and keeping familiars. Lots of familiars.
(She is me. I am this witch.)
I am full of contentment for my house is full of tiny leopards. Continue reading “Houseful of Tiny Leopards”