Everyone Should Have the Chance to Make Art

It truly bewilders me when people argue against AI because if artists can’t support themselves then they’ll have to get other jobs and won’t be able to make art.

That’s not an argument against AI.

That’s an argument against other jobs underpaying for how much time they take. Continue reading “Everyone Should Have the Chance to Make Art”

Beyond Wespirtech: 2nd Edition

Last month, we released the 2nd edition of Mary E. Lowd’s iconic short story collection, Welcome to Wespirtech, and now, we’re proud to announce the release of its companion collection, Beyond Wespirtech!

Like the previous collection, Beyond Wespirtech’s 2nd edition includes a new introduction, new stories, and a shiny new cover.  In fact, two of the new stories — “Summers on Sylverra” and “The Girl Who Could Hear the Stars Sing” — are exclusive to Beyond Wespirtech and have never been published before! Continue reading “Beyond Wespirtech: 2nd Edition”

The Leaper and the Doctor

The two best long-running time travel shows are Doctor Who and Quantum Leap.

Quantum Leap is about a character who is profoundly empathetic; he cares truly and deeply about every person who crosses his path and devotes himself to helping their lives be better, helping them achieve their best. He has to. Or he doesn’t leap. Structurally, he must be endlessly empathetic, caring, and immediately, constantly available. He never gets to say when something happens or who he engages with. His situations are chosen for him by circumstance, and he must accept and deal with circumstance as it comes to him. Continue reading “The Leaper and the Doctor”