Each dog occupies a distinct ecological niche: plush bed for the big black teddy bear; hard floor for the aesthetic shepherd who retains nothing of the work ethic of his breed except for the belief that he should sleep on hard ground; and a full couch for the fluffy-mop.
Right now, I have six books out. By the end of this year, I’ll have nine. #GoodFeeling
The snow will melt before I really get up for the day, but I’m glad I got to see it. Back to sleep now.
Abortion is awesome. It’s a safe medical procedure that gives people more control over their health and lives. If you don’t like it, don’t get one. But also, shut the hell up.
Listening to a Paul McCartney & Wings album that I’ve never really listened to before and playing Mario Kart with the five-year-old. #QualityTime