DS9 vs. B5

Having finally watched all of Babylon 5, I’m finally qualified to hold the opinion that Deep Space Nine is better than Babylon 5. (And it is.)

I’ll even take it a step further: Farscape’s better too! And, possibly even Stargate: SG-1. Though, that wouldn’t be worth getting into a holy war over.  (Note added 14 years later, after watching all the way through Stargate a second time: yes, it would.)

For years and years, whenever the subject of DS9 versus B5 came up, I was faced with people saying, “But B5 was fully preplanned!” Having now watched the entire series, I now find that statement to be a terrific argument against pre-planning. I almost wonder if it would have been better if the writer had just taken his plan and written it up as a short story… Apparently, great television is not about great plans.

(None of this is to say I disliked B5 — just that it doesn’t come close to comparing to DS9.)

I was kind of hoping I was wrong and that it would be a transcendent experience that would teach me about life and the universe. Like Star Trek. In the end, it was just an okay TV show.

Now, Portal, however… That’s a transcendent experience.

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