Many Scattered Thoughts on Stargate, Warcraft, and Stargate

The farther along I get in Dracula, the more I feel like it’s a crime how the 1992 movie wasted Winona Rider in a role she actually would have been brilliant at if it had been adapted better.

I’d really like to see an adaptation with that cast… but better.

I don’t generally care much about love triangles, but I do enjoy the Dr. Keller / Ronon / Rodney one near the end of Stargate Atlantis.

I find Keller relatable with her anxiety & have no doubt I’d also pick Rodney too. But it’s fun how she gets the choice of Ronon if she wanted.

I do have some doubts about my sanity regarding the fact that I’d pick Rodney over Ronon… as he’s super annoying. But I’d have a lot more in common with him, and fundamentally, I think I’d pick the one who I’d have interesting conversations with… and that would be Rodney.

Infuriating conversations, I’m sure. But interesting.

Anyway, Dr. Keller is great, and I seem to be almost to the end of this Atlantis rewatch.

I’m very much enjoying the music choices in this weird alternate universe Las Vegas episode of Stargate Atlantis, but fundamentally, it feels like a weird choice for a penultimate episode.

It makes me wonder if they didn’t expect to be cancelled.

Though SG1 ended weirdly too…

I’m glad there’s still Universe to rewatch after finishing Atlantis. Maybe by the time I’m done rewatching that, there’ll be new Stargate on the horizon…

Forget horoscopes, Ouija boards, and Tarot. If I want an arcane prediction about what to expect from my day, I’m opening up Warcraft, casting “Summon Random Favorite Battle Pet” and there you go.

Today will be a “Risen Saber Kitten, Level 16” kind of day.

Side note, if you don’t know how to spell “Ouija” it can be rather tricky to get close enough to the correct spelling for the spellchecker to stop suggesting “Fiji.”

I seem to have turned my lightforged draenei paladin into a Jedi… I’ve transmogged her chest armor to look like cloth by way of the Sprite Darter set, and I have her sword transmogged to be Very Light Sabre.

This seems good and appropriate.

Jedi blue space goat.

I’m really glad that I made my monk a void elf and my death knight a panda.

The panda sweetness would just be too much without cutting it by being a death knight. And same for the monk stuff so far… it’s good to balance it out with a little hard-edged, mana-addicted elf.

There are class hall quests involving Li Li Stormstout for my void elf monk!!!

I don’t usually pay a lot of attention to the characters and story in Warcraft… but she was adorable, and I got quite attached to her when she followed my night elf hunter around for a long time.


She’s gonna follow my void elf monk all over Legion.

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