The Magic of a Machine as a Beta Reader

It’s really kind of impressive how the AI-hate in the speculative fiction writing communities still manages to have a chilling effect on my feeling comfortable speaking publicly about experimenting with writing with Claude, even after I spent a whole year chasing away the haters. Continue reading “The Magic of a Machine as a Beta Reader”

Thoughts Inspired by the Prospect of Writing with Claude

The following (very long) thread is an essay I wrote for myself to process my feelings upon discovering Claude can finally write complete flash fiction at a believably human level.

It is a whole journey.

After much reflection, I’ve decided to share it with the world. Be kind. Continue reading “Thoughts Inspired by the Prospect of Writing with Claude”

It’s Worth Being Curious

There have always been better writers in the world; even if you’re an expert genius, some other writer will be better at some types or aspects of writing than you. Those writers, though, don’t have essentially infinite patience to sit with you and let your personal preferences and desires solely guide them in what they write. Continue reading “It’s Worth Being Curious”