Otters In Space 3 – Chapter 1: Jenny

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 3: Octopus Ascending.  If you’d prefer to read in e-book or paperback form, learn more here.  Or if you want, jump back to book one or return to the end of book two.

“A fleet of enemy vessels had assembled between Jupiter and Io, and Brighton’s Destiny was barreling right toward them.”

The pale glow of Jupiter lit the moon’s watery surface.  Europa’s recently melted ocean reflected the gas giant’s ruddy face back at itself, broken by ripples where Brighton’s Destiny disturbed the water on takeoff.

The dark metal V-shape of the two-man spaceship skimmed over the ocean before veering upward in a sharp climb out of Europa’s gravity well.  Spacesuit clad paws eased off on the throttle, and Brighton’s Destiny leveled off into a smooth arc toward Jupiter. Continue reading “Otters In Space 3 – Chapter 1: Jenny”

Their Eyes Like Portals

by Mary E. Lowd

A Deep Sky Anchor Original

“Over time, the sister cats learned to cast their portals farther and farther away from themselves, no longer needing to touch the air with their claws to rip reality open.”

Emerald and Amber were each named for the rich, gemstone color of their eyes.  Other than that, the sister cats looked the same — each with fur as black as the night sky and elegantly curving whiskers as bright white as shooting stars.

Other cats in the neighborhood shared whispered rumors that those bright white whiskers could grant a wish to a cat brave enough to fight the pair and yank one out.  No cat had ever tried.  The other neighborhood cats knew better than to challenge Emerald and Amber.  It was too important to stay in their good favor. Continue reading “Their Eyes Like Portals”

Now Available: Hell Moon & Zooscape Volume 1

The first novel in our space opera horror series — Hell Moon by Mary E. Lowd — and the first volume of our Zooscape anthologies had a spectacular launch earlier this month at Furvana!

You can order your own copies in e-book or paperback form online.  We’re also looking into dealing at a couple of upcoming conventions. Continue reading “Now Available: Hell Moon & Zooscape Volume 1”

Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 33: Papa Fido’s T-Bone Steakery

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead to Otters In Space 3: Octopus Ascending.

“One district after another elected Alistair Brighton president — beating out both the competition and his own running mate.”

Through the glass of the door, Kipper saw the pointy ears and orange fur of her brother and sister.  They faced the other way, seated at a table and watching a television screen on the wall.  The screen showed a pug dog gesticulating wildly.  Trudith and Lucky also sat at the table, but they seemed preoccupied with something Kipper couldn’t see.

Kipper opened the door quietly.  Keith stood behind her.  Before going in, Kipper stayed in the doorway and simply listened to the voices of these people she loved and hadn’t seen in so long. Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 33: Papa Fido’s T-Bone Steakery”

Limited Kindle Release of Nexus Nine & The Necromouser

We’d like to announce a limited Kindle release of Mary E. Lowd’s books, Nexus Nine and The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats.  Both of these books are primarily published by FurPlanet, but since the Kindle market was going unserved, we’ve filled in.  Both books are already available in the Kindle store right now.

Each book has a shiny new cover for this limited release, but if you want physical copies, you’ll still need to get the FurPlanet editions.

We may have a few more releases like this coming up, so keep an eye out for them!  Also, don’t forget that Hell Moon (Xeno-Spectre, Book 1) is coming out this Friday (9/8/23)!

Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 32: Earth

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.

“…she was a cat with connections on many worlds.”

The Jolly Barracuda docked at Deep Sky Anchor for the first time since Kipper had joined the crew.  She watched the gray metal habitat rings of the rotating station approach on the main bridge’s viewscreen, and she remembered all the times she’d watched space fly by through one of the porthole windows elsewhere on the ship instead.  She was sure that those windows were all crowded full of the pug faces of miserably wet Persians now, but she wasn’t among them.  She was on the bridge, manning one of the stations.  She had come a long way. Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 32: Earth”

Announcing The Ancient Egg, Xeno-Spectre Book 2!

Now that the release of Hell Moon (Xeno-Spectre, Book 1) is imminent, we’d like to announce the release of its first sequel, The Ancient Egg (Xeno-Spectre, Book 2) by Mary E. Lowd.

Readers of this series won’t have long to wait between book 1 and 2, as The Ancient Egg will be released on January 1, 2024.  And it’s already available for pre-order on Kindle. Continue reading “Announcing The Ancient Egg, Xeno-Spectre Book 2!”

Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 31: The Solar System

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.

“Under the haphazard piratical law of the otters in deep space, Captain Cod felt that the octopus base was his…”

The first of the Kipper Brighton:  The Hero of Europa videos hit the sketchier parts of the interwebs before Kipper’s friends and family even knew if she’d survived the rescue mission to Europa.  No one in the rest of the Solar System knew what was happening in orbit of Jupiter.  Had the Jolly Barracuda succeeded?  How many had they rescued?  Or was the Jolly Barracuda just another ship smashed to pieces by the raptors? Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 31: The Solar System”