Path to Being Informed

I grew up w/ enough privilege & predilection for disliking people that I used to be one of those “politics don’t matter, keep politics away from me” types.

But with even the slightest amount of caring about & listening to others, I’ve ended up forced into staying informed.

I still don’t like politics (unless they’re in Star Trek: DS9), but because I’m interested in the furry writing community, I find myself staying naturally informed about politics and world events whether I want to be or not.

Sure, I started out listening to the furry writing community because I wanted to be up on anthology calls, but soon enough those furry writers, editors, & publishers started talking about other things — their lives, needs, & government policies affecting them.

And that’s good.

Furry communities seem to be unusually introspective, & they lean heavily in the directions of queer & neurodiverse. Furthermore, the furry writing community is spread across much of the world.

You can do a lot worse than listening to furries.

In fact, it’s hard to do better.

From what I’ve seen during my time in the furry writing community (10 years now), furries tend to be ahead of the curve. We started focusing on kicking out nazis before all the rest y’all. As a group, we tend to lean heavily left — which is the direction the world needs to go.

So, if you want a welcoming, friendly, interesting, smart, well-informed, cutting edge, funny, and immensely creative community that will make you a better person…

It’s time to start paying attention to furries.

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