How to spend the last day of the year? Apparently sending out queries to agents…
Researching agent webpages is frustrating in the same way that I used to find cruising Petfinder frustrating… lots of promising leads to get your hopes up about… with very little likelihood of anything coming from any of it.
So Daniel helpfully researched agents for me to query… which was great… until he decided to start adding to the list again while I worked through it… meaning I’ve ended the night with just as many queries to send as I started with… It’s Sisyphus’ query list…
Querying agents and eating pancakes. Well, one pancake. But it’s a perfect one.
In 2018, I…
—wrote 176k of fiction
—had 25 short stories published
—one novel published
—edited an anthology
—founded a magazine
—was invited to be GoH at two cons
—helped my mom move across town
Yeah… that seems like solid evidence that 2018 was a decade long.
My favorite sentence from the novel I’m querying to agents right now: “The words, “bunny, bunny, bunny,” chased themselves around Clarity and Cassiopeia’s shared consciousness like a reverent whisper.”