My spouse, a professor: “I came up with an academic parody of Monster Mash!”
Spouse, singing: “I was working in the lab late one night…” Continue reading “Monster Mash Variant”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
My spouse, a professor: “I came up with an academic parody of Monster Mash!”
Spouse, singing: “I was working in the lab late one night…” Continue reading “Monster Mash Variant”
Halloween accomplished! We took the kids trick-or-treating downtown, watched The Sixth Sense, ate pumpkin spice pancakes for dinner, carved jack-o-lanterns, and walked through a haunted farm event.
And yet, somehow there’s still a full day before it’s Halloween…
I’d only ever seen “The Sixth Sense” once before, easily over twenty years ago, and my brain had condensed it down in my memory to basically just the twist at the end… but wow, that is a masterful movie all the way through. Just incredibly well done on every level.
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Daily Science Fiction, October 2018
Lee-a-lei and her clone-daughter Am-lei perched in the Crossroads Station recreational airlock with their long spindly legs folded. The two lepidopterans exchanged a glance with glittering, multi-faceted eyes. Lee-a-lei was nervous and kept flapping her mechanical wings, but her daughter looked excited.
Am-lei didn’t have wings. She’d followed the traditions of their homeworld and had her yellow-blue-and-purple wings cut off after she metamorphosed. So, she wore a simple zero-gee jetpack like a human or one of the canine Heffens would. The jetpack strapped around her thorax, firmly secured. Lee-a-lei had checked her daughter’s straps several times. Continue reading “Jetpack and Cyborg Wings”
Hanging out with my kid, both working… and slowly realizing, “Wait a minute, that’s not biology homework, that’s just jellyfish videos you’re watching for fun!”
I’m all for the kid learning about jellyfish for fun, but it’s also good when they do actual schoolwork too.
It is truly nonsense the sheer number of things that druids are allowed to do while in flight form that other classes cannot do while mounted (in World of Warcraft). It makes the classes wildly unbalanced, steeply skewed in favor of druids.
My kid’s Gothic Literature class has moved from Frankenstein onto Jekyll & Hyde… so far, I’m not loving it.
Frankenstein was overwrought, but I actually quite enjoyed the prose. That’s not so much happening with Jekyll & Hyde so far… However, it does look to be quite short. Continue reading “Jekyll & Hyde”
I’m writing at that cute little open air plaza at the market downtown today, and because it’s cold, I brought: a baby blanket to fold up and sit on, a baby blanket and hot water bottle to put on my lap, three jackets, a warm hat to pull over my baseball cap and fingerless gloves.
Oh, also, my amazingly cozy and cute dragon scarf, not to mention a hot pumpkin spice latte. Continue reading “Writing in the Cold”
There’s a minor character in the book I’m writing named Kalithee… except about 49% of the time, I write Kathlani instead.
Apparently, my brain finds these two made up names entirely indistinguishable.
Feeling conflicted about whether I like odd numbers or even numbers better, because even numbers are smoother… but they also seem kind of pretentious and smug about it. Odd numbers are all weird angles and elbows, but at least they’re down to earth and relatable.