The Relentless March of Time Measured in Shelties

We’ve been looking for a Sheltie puppy since my 11-year-old Sheltie, Quinn, died two months ago. The prospects… are very uncertain. However, we’ve located a 1.5-year-old Sheltie we can adopt, from a breeder who we’ve adopted an adult from before.

We get to meet him tomorrow!

That feeling when you’re excited to meet your new dog… but also sad, because the very idea of a new dog makes you miss your old dog.

False Christian Niceness

“When I was younger, I thought shorter people died younger… I think I just really internalized that Davy was the firsAs someone who can pass for Christian, it’s my experience that a lot of Christians are really nasty to non-Christians & really nice to Christians.

If you’re Christian & nice all the time, this nastiness may be invisible to you. Continue reading “False Christian Niceness”