So… I’m just gonna cry every week when I watch Star Trek: Prodigy?
I can deal with that. Continue reading “Hologram Janeway”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
So… I’m just gonna cry every week when I watch Star Trek: Prodigy?
I can deal with that. Continue reading “Hologram Janeway”
Okay, so, I know Battle for Azeroth came out several years ago, but I only just now played my way up to the first Vision of N’Zoth, and that was absolutely awesome — time shifting faster and slower; black tendrils coming from the sides of the screen as my sanity ebbed… LOVE IT.
The eight-year-old: “We just need to keep exploring science, until science gives us a way to turn into cats!”
I looked forward to starting a new novel all day yesterday, but by the time midnight rolled around and #NaNoWriMo started… I just wanted to sleep.
So, I think I’ll keep to the strategies that have been working for the last year and focus on the books I’ve already started.
After the eight-year-old went to bed last night, we watched the ’92 Candyman. It was quite the journey. The more I think about it, the more it feels like it influenced the The X-Files, which started the following year. Helen has such a strong Scully vibe.
Maybe it’s just that the first X-Files I really watched was the ’98 movie, but the rampant bees really feel like a strong connection between it and Candyman. Continue reading “Watching Candyman”
Over the years, I’ve collected quite a few items that can be thrown together for Halloween costumes. Two of my favorites are a headband with giraffe ossicones & a Luna moth wing cape. As such, when I go to pick pieces to wear for a costume… I keep ending up as a giraffe-moth.
Restraining myself from saying, “Mm, those plastic clacking drums really add to this classic song,” as my kids play Beatles Rockband.
It’s kinda infuriating that in Angel S3E6 (the show’s take on “The Screwfly Solution”) Fred has to do the emotional work of comforting Wesley about him having tried to savagely murder her.
I guess the episode is only anti-misogyny to a point. Then men’s feelings take precedence.
My kindle app just informed me that I’m on a reading streak — “You’ve read 173 weeks in a row!” — which mostly just tells me how long I’ve had the kindle app for, as it’s leaving out all the other weeks since I learned to read before that.
There is something so deeply and profoundly depressing about the central premise of Buffy being that she’s constantly saving lives and protecting people… and everyone around her knows that and claims to want to help her… but she still needs a day job to support her sister. Continue reading “Buffy & Capitalism”