An Otter’s Soul

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in The Lorelei Signal, July 2022

“When otters lose a friend, they comfort each other by saying that the friend’s soul has become a dragonfly…”

Quiley didn’t feel like anything was wrong.  She put one paw in front of the other; she kept moving.  She kept playing and splashing in the river like an otter is supposed to.  But everyone kept saying how sorry they were.  How hard it must be.  It was almost like they thought they knew something about her and Pia that she hadn’t known herself. Continue reading “An Otter’s Soul”

One Sheep

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in Allasso, Volume 2: Saudade, April 2012

“She needed one sheep to jump through hoops, one sheep to balance on a giant ball, and one sheep to fly on the trapeze for her circus act.”

There was once a sheep that could have been a sheep with fifteen other sheep, all living on a farm.  But, one day, a man came and invited that sheep to live at the petting zoo with the pygmy goats, pigs, rabbits, and Shetland ponies there.  So, that one sheep joined the petting zoo.

Then, there were fifteen sheep left. Continue reading “One Sheep”