I had six new stories come out today. For the first time since I started writing seriously, all of my finished stories have been published — all 260 of them.
Author: marylowd
ROBOT Book Release!
Happy Pi Day! My latest book, MARADIA’S ROBOT EMPORIUM, is out today!
So, help yourself to a nice slice of sci-fi, and check out these 24 stories, including:
— 4 from Analog
— 10 from Daily Science Fiction
— 1 Ursa Major Award Nominated
— & 6 all new!
French, Borgen, Severance, The Rain, and AI
My 17-year-old has been learning French and practices by trying to repeat lines in things we watch, translated into French.
Right now, we’re watching Lord of the Rings… so he keeps repeating the name Frodo when characters say it… but in a French accent. Continue reading “French, Borgen, Severance, The Rain, and AI”
The Fractal, Patchwork Fabric
by Mary E. Lowd
I am a patchwork quilt
Of experiences
Scraps of lines from movies
Strips of characters from TV shows Continue reading “The Fractal, Patchwork Fabric”
Of Jupiter and Daffodils
by Mary E. Lowd
Rings and whorls
Spinning swirls
Of jovial daffodils Continue reading “Of Jupiter and Daffodils”
An Email Sent to Myself at 3:10am
by Mary E. Lowd
In summary
I’ve decided
That revelations
Are not a limited resource Continue reading “An Email Sent to Myself at 3:10am”
Finishing My 4th Full Viewing of DS9
We make ourselves out of the things we encounter in this world. We make our bodies out of the food we eat, and we make our minds out of the things we see and hear.
And at this point, I think most of me is made out of DS9. I stored it up and held onto as much of it as I could, and I’ve been using it to patch myself up and build new parts for so long… it’s most of me now. Continue reading “Finishing My 4th Full Viewing of DS9”
Not Quite a Revelation
by Mary E. Lowd
I quietly sit
And experience something profound
While none around me
Can tell
Long Chrysalis
by Mary E. Lowd
I feel like I’ve been moving backward
Through all the liminal spaces
I’ve passed through before
Returning to the places
That formed me Continue reading “Long Chrysalis”
Danish Shows, Lil’ Abner, and Severance
I’m close to the end of the first season of Borgen… and it’s gotten really depressing. I don’t know if I should hold on, and it’ll turn around… or if a political show of this sort is just going to be something I find too depressing.
When I started watching Borgen and The Rain to practice listening to Danish, I really didn’t expect Borgen to be the one I’d be finding depressing. Continue reading “Danish Shows, Lil’ Abner, and Severance”