Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 20: The Great Red Spot

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.

“Kipper had grown nearly used to the idea of dinosaurs hiding out in the skies of Jupiter. Creeping around their ship, dodging them, how could she not grow used to the reality of them?”

As Kipper made her way around the edges of the cavernous room, the clear floors and ceiling began to make more sense to her.  Raptors came and went through various archways, flocking over the bubble-like floor with a spring in their strong legs and a swing to their feathered arms.  Based on their build, Kipper would have been surprised if they could actually fly; their wings didn’t seem large or broad enough relative to their overall mass, but, in this setting, they looked like dark birds, winging through the Jovian sky. Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 20: The Great Red Spot”

“But you won’t always have a calculator with you…”

I remember arguing with my parents and teacher at about the age of ten as to whether I needed to memorize my times tables given that I could always just use a calculator.

I did not memorize my times tables. Calculators are awesome. This has never hurt me.

Also, I minored in math at a top tech college. So, it’s not like I can’t do math.

Some Reasons Why Some Writers Use AI

I’ve been talking a lot about how some writers find AI helps them write, and a question I keep encountering is why they need help.

A lot of the time, this question seems like a distraction from those looking to vilify users of AI, but sometimes it seems like genuine curiosity… Continue reading “Some Reasons Why Some Writers Use AI”

“What if you don’t have friends…”

Years ago, I was on a panel at Rainfurrest, and the audience asked something about how to get feedback or critiques or beta reads or something. And the answer from the panelists largely came down to something along the lines of, “Get help from your friends.”

Bear with me… Continue reading ““What if you don’t have friends…””

Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 19: The Great Red Spot

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1, return to the previous chapter, or skip ahead.

“Dum-de-dum-dum,” came Trugger’s voice over the radio. “We’re on Jupiter!”

The thick red smog whipped past Kipper as she flew haphazardly downward in her strange box-ship powered by the jetpack on her back.  She felt the cold through the rubbery fabric of her spacesuit, and dancing wisps of red clouded her field of vision.  Kipper’s paws gripped tight to the front edge of the box, and her feet braced against the back. Continue reading “Otters In Space 2 – Chapter 19: The Great Red Spot”

Scattered Thoughts on Writing and AI

I am so profoundly disappointed by how pillars of the writing community have chosen to become ringleaders for pitchfork wielding mobs, unthinkingly screaming “theft!” & “plagiarism!” against anything with the slightest whiff of AI near it.

You’re making writers look ridiculous. Continue reading “Scattered Thoughts on Writing and AI”

When Writing and Machine Learning Collided

My spouse (Daniel Lowd) and I know very different corners of the internet. He does machine learning. I’m a writer. (As is often the case, this post is converted from a Twitter thread.)

Yesterday, my corners turned into a pitchfork and torch carrying mob, as they’ve been doing more and more often. Today, his corners noticed it. Continue reading “When Writing and Machine Learning Collided”