Feeling conflicted about whether I like odd numbers or even numbers better, because even numbers are smoother… but they also seem kind of pretentious and smug about it. Odd numbers are all weird angles and elbows, but at least they’re down to earth and relatable.
Author: marylowd
Black Swans
by Mary E. Lowd
A Deep Sky Anchor Original, October 2022

I watch the lake, peaceful and serene; white swans float on it with the graceful delicacy and stillness of ice sculptures or many-tiered, fondant-covered wedding cakes.
Then the black swans come. One after another. Crashing into the water, wings spread wide and flapping.
Progress has begun. Continue reading “Black Swans”
Tribute to Candy Apple Red
I really love the music of Reina del Cid, and I especially love her album Candy Apple Red. Every song is good.
I also enjoy creating AI art, so I thought it’d be fun to put together a thread of song illustrations using Midjourney. Continue reading “Tribute to Candy Apple Red”
Things I’ve learned about Midjourney today:
—given a chance to put flowers in a woman’s hair, it will go way overboard; like a whole giant bouquet; practically a little garden
—it does not understand that when you’re on the moon, you can’t also see the moon in the sky
Dispelling Unexpected Fears
Kid, very suddenly and long after bedtime:
“What if I murder a doctor & then have no reason not to plead guilty & I spend the rest of my life in jail & I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in jail. So maybe always warn me before taking me to the doctor?” Continue reading “Dispelling Unexpected Fears”
Hard-Hitting Allegory
That moment when you’ve been trying to wrangle an AI artist into illustrating something, and nothing’s coming out quite right, but then you gasp, because suddenly, there it is, and it’s beautiful.
That moment when you’ve been trying to wrangle an AI artist into illustrating something, and nothing’s coming out quite right, but then you gasp, because suddenly, there it is, and it’s beautiful.
A Ward Against Nightmares
A blessing for those about to embark on the dangerous voyage of dreaming:
May your teeth be strong,
Your pets not run away,
And the architecture of any building you’re in be cooperative.
Ooby Dooby
My kid was curious about the original Quantum Leap, so we’re watching the pilot and it involves:
—a test pilot
—time travel
—the song “Ooby Dooby” Continue reading “Ooby Dooby”
The Problems That Keep Kids Awake at Night
Me: “What brings you downstairs at this time of night?”
Kid: “I’m not asleep and I’m not a selkie, and those are two very upsetting things.”