
Parenting is HARD.‬

‪And know what makes it harder? Every time a parent complains, they’re met w/ judgy responses about how it was a choice they made or how teachers are underpreciated.‬

‪No duh.‬

‪But also, other choices aren’t met with such callousness when needing commiseration.‬

‪And you know, teachers may be criminally underpaid but at least what they do is understood to be a job.‬

‪Parenting is a job. But in this society it seems to be understood as halfway between a labor of love artistic endeavor and a selfish self-centered crime.‬

‪If you want a future where everyone younger than you is a disaster, by all means, underpay teachers & pretend parenting should be a punishment for the crime of having kids.‬

‪If you want people younger than you to be kind, competent human beings… support the people raising them.‬

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