The End of a Closed World

I’m realizing, as I close in on the end of this trilogy, that I’ve never finished writing a book without any future plans to write more books about those characters before. I usually write open-ended worlds, meant to be revisited…

But in my mind, the trilogy that starts with The Snake’s Song has always been specifically a trilogy, and it’s very much a separate world from my other books and stories. Continue reading “The End of a Closed World”

Working on “The Otter’s Wings”

I don’t want to give too many spoilers for a book I haven’t finished writing, but… it’s really fun writing an octopus who wears an otter skeleton like a mecha and loves a gryphon who has a hybrid baby with her that’s basically a little elder god bundle of tentacles and feathers. Continue reading “Working on “The Otter’s Wings””

Baseline Normality in Ocean Horror Movies

I’m watching Underwater (2020), and it seems to have a monster that should interest me… but I’m barely paying attention.

Now, sure, I could TRY HARDER to pay attention, but I’m watching it for fun. And also, I’ve learned from being a slush reader to trust my instincts… Continue reading “Baseline Normality in Ocean Horror Movies”

Tricks and Gimmicks

I’m trying to work out a schedule for the book I’m writing, and my desire to finish the book soon is very much in conflict with my desire to not require myself to write very many words per day.

I’ve been kind of floundering with writing this book, and I think it’s partly because I thought I could rely on the same strategies as I used for the previous book in the trilogy, which I wrote last fall. Continue reading “Tricks and Gimmicks”