Asteroid Racing and Sun Gardens

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Today’s stories take us away from the safe hearth of Wespirtech and forge out into the surrounding universe.  Get a taste for what life is like on the frontiers where Wespirtech is mostly a legend… until the effects of their scientific discoveries trickle outward. Continue reading “Asteroid Racing and Sun Gardens”

Day two!

binary-star1For day two of our twelve-day launch event, we bring you two stories that appeared online originally but have been out of print for several years.

Close-knit communities can be wonderful, inspiring, energetic places, but when you live and work with the same people — spending all day and night together — home can turn to horror on a dime.  In My Words Like Silent Raindrops, a young Wespirtech scientist invents technological telepathy, drawing her close-knit community even closer and, well… read it and see. Continue reading “Day two!”

And we are go…

Merry Christmas from Deep Sky Anchor!

As our present to you today, we’re releasing our very first stories, two tales about scientists at Wespirtech (The Western Spiral Arm Planetary Institute of Technology) and their wacky inventions.  The scientists in both of these tales have to worry about balancing pure science — invention for its own sake — with the practicality of the real world.  They don’t always succeed.  One of them fails more spectacularly than the other… Continue reading “And we are go…”

Entering Orbit; Preparing for Launch

We’ve loaded up our cargo bay with twenty-five stories — the complete contents of three science-fiction anthologies, Welcome to Wespirtech, Beyond Wespirtech, and The Opposite of Memory — and we’ll begin releasing the stories, several per day, on December 25th, 2015.

Many of the upcoming stories have been published online before, but some of them have only ever been available in obscure anthologies or small press magazines.

Get ready to read some science-fiction!

Approaching 1000

Over the last more-than-a-decade, I’ve submitted nearly one hundred stories to more than 150 different markets.  A bunch of my stories have been published.  Some of them haven’t been (yet).  And, of course, I’ve received a lot of rejections.  969 so far.

As I approach 1000 rejections, I’ve been thinking about the publishing process — what it costs and the benefits it provides.  I don’t intend to stop submitting my stories to markets that seem well-suited to them.  However, I also don’t see a reason to stay dependent on other people’s e-zines to make my work readable online. Continue reading “Approaching 1000”

Five Things I’m Grateful For, Day Five (the Final Day)

1) I have not been eaten by a snake.

2) Daniel.

3) No matter what happens in the next two years, I got to move home to Oregon, live in Eugene for six years, lead the Wordos for four years, and be in the same town as my mom and sister. Continue reading “Five Things I’m Grateful For, Day Five (the Final Day)”

Five Things I’m Grateful For, Day Three

1) There are some excellent stories in Lightspeed’s “Women Destroy Science Fiction” issue. They explore some of the very ideas that I’ve wanted to write about but couldn’t figure out how. Maybe reading them will help me figure it out.

2) Both of my children are healthy. Continue reading “Five Things I’m Grateful For, Day Three”