Time Passes, “The Neverending Story” Stays the Same

I kept calling our dog a baby luck dragon, and the seven-year-old didn’t know what that meant. So, we’re watching The Neverending Story.‬

I watched The Neverending Story over and over as a kid, both younger than and eventually around the same age as Bastian. The actor, Barret Oliver, reminded me of my cousin. Continue reading “Time Passes, “The Neverending Story” Stays the Same”

Goodbye Trudy

Losing two dogs in two months is a lot. They were five years apart in age. Life has no guarantees.

Trudy’s last day was today… she was sixteen, and yes, she is the dog who inspired Trudith in the Otters In Space trilogy. I could never have written Trudith without her. She was a friend, part of my family, and also an inspiration — one of my muses. Continue reading “Goodbye Trudy”