Deep breath. It doesn’t feel like it today. BUT. I tried to watch Murphy Brown from the beginning, back when it got rebooted. And that’s a show that was ground-breakingly feminist for its time. And now… oh my god. It’s sooooooo full of sexist tropes. There are only two women, and they’re constantly at each other’s throats. Murphy is constantly put down for not being feminine enough. Continue reading ““Are We Winning?””
Category: Blog
The Ephemeral Nature of the Ephemeral Nature of Snow
Snow used to be something that fell during the night and melted away before you got up in the morning.
Now snow is something that falls next week in the weather app and melts away before you actually reach that day.
Otter in a Raft
That feeling when an otter in a raft shows up to save a bunch of cats who’ve been slowly drowning in the middle of a lake while arguing with each other about the best way to swim.
Maybe Baby
Sixty years ago, Buddy Holly rhymed “maybe” with “baby,” “funny” with “honey,” and “glad” with “sad,” and I’m still listening to it today.
Don’t overthink your art. Just make it.
And Trudy Howls…
Me: calls to elder dog at top of my lungs
Elder dog: nope, can’t hear, definitely deaf, gonna keep nosing around the furthest corners of the backyard in the rain
Later… Continue reading “And Trudy Howls…”
Fiction by Mary E. Lowd in 2019
Okay, theoretically, this is an Awards Eligibility Post… except, I had so much fiction published this year that thinking of it that way will probably melt people’s brains. So, instead, here’s a guide to learning about the fiction I had come out this year, in case you want to read it. If when you get to the end, you can still remember that awards exist, then I’d absolutely be honored by any award nominations my fiction might receive.
First off, my books…
Nexus Nine, published by FurPlanet, counts as a novel for the Ursa Major Awards and Cóyotl Awards, and a novella for the Leo Literary Awards.
Tri-Galactic Trek, Jove Deadly’s Lunar Detective Agency (co-written with Garrett Marco), and ROAR 10 were all published by FurPlanet and count as Other Literary Works for the Ursa Major Awards and as Anthologies for the Leo Literary Awards and Cóyotl Awards. Continue reading “Fiction by Mary E. Lowd in 2019”
Roomba Whispers
It’s REALLY creepy when the Roomba starts saying, “Please charge Roomba,” in the other room in the middle of the night — just loud enough to hear it’s a voice you don’t recognize in your house, but not quite loud enough to make out the words.
Another Life
Apparently, I was slow to notice this, but #AnotherLife got renewed for a second season on Netflix!!! This is extremely, super exciting, because it’s a fantastic space show, starring the BRILLIANT Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck from BSG) as a starship captain, and I love it so much!
Two story acceptances in the first week of the year! And one of them to a pro-market!!! Continue reading “Another Life”
Walking at Night
I just read “Your Faces, O My Sisters! Your Faces Filled of Light!” by Alice B. Sheldon (James Tiptree Jr.)… and oof.
What a beautiful, lyrical punch to the gut that calls to mind my dad lecturing me as a teen about how I couldn’t go out for a walk alone after dark.
Continue reading “Walking at Night”
Stray Thoughts on Star Wars and New Years Eve
The twelve-year-old to the six-year-old: “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I can’t read minds. You’re thinking mind reading is impossible. You’re thinking I’m lying to you.”
Six: “I was thinking about cookies.”
Inheritances should be a whole lot less of a thing. And Universal Basic Income should be a whole lot more of a thing. Continue reading “Stray Thoughts on Star Wars and New Years Eve”