Too Many Redeemed Dads in CGI

If I never see another cgi animated story about how a boy’s daddy doesn’t understand him because he’s [insert stand-in for animator here], but by the end… he does! It’ll still be too soon.

Where are my stories about how a girl’s daddy doesn’t understand her, and then he never does — because there aren’t cliche happy ends for women — and she totally destroys him (or just leaves him behind & he’s sad forever) and goes on to be great and powerful in spite of him? Continue reading “Too Many Redeemed Dads in CGI”

Shaking Down the Tooth Fairy

The six-year-old has a real knack for losing teeth right as we’re sending them to bed, on nights when we’ve already let them stay up unusually late, and then insisting on elaborately decorating the envelope we put the tooth in.

Tonight, as he started to write “I love the money and stickers” on the envelope, he realized that since he didn’t have them yet, it would make more sense to change it to “I’d like $500.”

Ambitious little thing.