Fiery Rage

Some days my rage at the sexism in this world is incandescent.

Other days, I swallow that flame and try to ignore how it burns me from the inside, so I can get by.

Every time I see something coddling “pro-lifers” (a.k.a. forced-birthers) about how they should vote for Biden even though they disagree about abortion, it just makes me so mad.


‪Forced-birthers don’t deserve gentle coddling. They deserve everyone they know screaming in their faces about how goddamned ugly their punitive, dehumanizing beliefs are.‬

‪It. Is. Not. Okay. To. Be. Against. Abortion.‬

‪At. All.‬

When people post things that gently argue that “pro-lifers” should vote for Biden, treating forced-birtherism as a legitimate stand what it tells me is that the person posting it is okay with having friends who think I deserve sub-human rights because I happen to have a uterus.

I don’t want people to support pro-choice policies because they’re actually more effective at making abortion rates go down.

I want them to support pro-choice policies because people with uteruses are full human beings who deserve equal rights.

Every time people argue for pro-choice policies based on them being more effective at bringing abortion rates down, all I hear is the words between the lines:

“It’s okay to think people with uteruses are worth less than a lump of cells. Just do it smarter!”

That’s goddamned ugly.

‪You know what?‬

‪Being pro-choice would be the RIGHT ETHICAL KIND HUMANE thing to be, even if it did raise abortion rates.‬

I’m just so sick of “nice” people wasting niceness on cold-hearted forced-birthers while ignoring the fact that they’re side swiping basically all people with uteruses by doing so.

It hurts to watch people be nice about others actively saying I’m worth less than a lump of cells.

When you’re nice to an oppressor, you hurt the people being oppressed.

And right now we have an oppressive regime not insubstantially because “pro-lifers” care about punishing people for having uteruses more than they care about most other things.

My whole life I’ve watched nice people be nice to forced-birthers while they froth at the mouth with hateful anger about how important it is to strip my rights away.

Fuck that. It’s my turn to froth at the mouth about forced-birthers.

And I goddamned deserve the same niceness.

There aren’t two sides when it comes to pro-choice.

There are fanatical religious cultists trying to force their ugly sexism & misogyny on others… and then a whole spectrum of ways to feel about the issues WITHOUT FUCKING FORCING YOUR BELIEFS ONTO OTHER PEOPLE’S BODIES.

Look, there are people who are pro-choice, and there are people who want to hurt people with uteruses.

If you’re equally nice to both of them, you’re saying that you see these two philosophies as equally valid.

They’re not equally valid. And pretending they are is not nice.

The fact that pro-choice policies are more effective at lowering abortion rates has been abundantly available for years.

People who are still anti-choice largely aren’t clinging to their beliefs because they don’t know better.

They don’t care.

Stop wasting energy trying over and over again to educate people who actively refuse to listen to readily available information.

And start creating a social environment that’s so hostile to their anti-science, hateful beliefs that they’re too ashamed to voice them out loud.

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