Halloween & Scream

The kid was interested in watching Halloween, so we watched 1, 2, 20, and 2018 over the last four days.

The first two were interesting pieces of film history, and despite flaws, I enjoyed the survivor-woman-revenge quality of 20 quite a bit. But I think 2018 is skippable.

It was definitely interesting watching Halloween 1, 2, and 20 after having loved the entire Scream franchise for 25 years.

It feels like I’d been listening to half of a conversation (especially regarding Scream 1-3), and I finally heard the other half.

But Scream is better.

It feels like the Halloween movies try to replace the psychological horror of not knowing who the killer even is in Scream with sheer brutality.

Half the fun of Scream is the suspense/mystery of trying to guess who’s behind the mask. Michael Meyers just can’t compete with that.

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