It troubles me deeply that I only have one October Daye book left to read… I mean, I know there are a lot of other Seanan McGuire series I’m looking forward to reading. But I’m not ready to run out of October Daye. Continue reading “The Curse of Catching Up”
Late Night Thoughts, Dreams, and Stories
Spouse: *trying to sleep*
Me: “So, if we got an ant farm, we could get a whole lotta new pets all at once.”
I dreamed I was a panelist at a convention again, but instead of speaking, we had to communicate by arranging alphabet- and pictographically-shaped croissants. Continue reading “Late Night Thoughts, Dreams, and Stories”
Playing Hades
I can be very particular about video games. (See my recent complaints about Stardew Valley, which I proceeded to play constantly for a month.)
But given the sheer number of hours I’ve spent playing Hades since starting three days ago, I think it’s safe to say I really like it.
Ghostbusters Afterlife
Does Ghostbusters Afterlife work without leaning on sentimentality for the original? I don’t know.
But as someone who has loved Ghostbusters since I was a little girl, that movie was made for me, just as much as Ghostbusters 2016 was. Continue reading “Ghostbusters Afterlife”
Grinch Casting
I’m watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) for the first time, and I can’t help but feel it would be a better movie if Jim Carrey and Christine Baranski had swapped roles.
Proposal: The Monkees Present How The Grinch Stole Christmas Continue reading “Grinch Casting”
Walk Like a Man
Spouse, being hounded by several of our most needy pets: “It’s like I’m haunted. Like Robert Downey Jr.”
Me: “Then… why are you not singing “Walk Like a Man”?”
This is an obscure reference. But to a good movie. And I am now listening to Daniel singing “Walk Like a Man.”
Pandemic Phase Omicron
And another day spent debating, researching, analyzing, and arguing about what choices we should make, given the systems we live in and the raging pandemic around us.
I am so tired of this. Continue reading “Pandemic Phase Omicron”
Carrying Around Stairs
Me, talking about Stardew Valley: “I should leave first thing in the morning and bring my 100 stairs.”
Kid, startled: “I forgot for a moment you were talking about a video game.” Continue reading “Carrying Around Stairs”
Magically Disappearing Tea
I just learned why I never seem to have as many different types of tea as I’d like.
I buy tea, and when it gets home, Daniel looks at the tea drawer, thinks it’s full, & stashes the new boxes in a cupboard in the garage. Continue reading “Magically Disappearing Tea”
Animals on a Snow Day
Avery doesn’t know what this cold white stuff is… but she certainly didn’t approve it.
Piper has never seen snow before. She doesn’t know what to make of it. Continue reading “Animals on a Snow Day”